Entries by SimpleSolutions

El elemento clave de cualquier Estrategia

Por Eli Schragenheim La Estrategia, con E mayúscula, es un plan para alcanzar la meta. Muchas organizaciones no tienen plan alguno para el futuro. Algunas luchan para sobrevivir; otras simplemente se estancan, atendiendo el mismo grupo de clientes con los mismos productos y con muy pocas iniciativas de cambio. Otras organizaciones tienen misiones y visiones […]

Sequence matters!

Bathtubs & Co is a manufacturing company that produces bathtubs and jacuzzis to order, mostly to constructors. They decided to implement S-DBR and BM six months ago. Not surprisingly, after choking the release and establishing priorities their DDP (Due Date Performance) crept up from a lousy 55% to over 97%, leading to a 35% increase […]

Calculating Replenishment Time

Suppose that you are starting a distribution implementation in a retail chain that has about 70 stores with over 8,000 SKUs. You’re about to define the buffer sizes so one of the obvious questions is what is the replenishment time from the Central Warehouse to the stores. The logistics manager tells you that whatever you […]

How much can dynamic buffer management really handle?

Let’s suppose that you’re implementing TOC in Christy’s footwear, a company with the following characteristics: They own six stores that sell men and women’s shoes and hold about 1,000 SKUs per store. The six shops are spread throughout the same city and are just 30 minutes away from one another, so distances are definitely not […]

Definiendo el Segmento de Mercado

Por Eli Schragenheim   Nota del traductor:   Una ventaja competitiva decisiva (VCD) es una ventaja de mercado significativa y sostenible sobre los competidores. Una VCD existe solo cuando una organización satisface una necesidad significativa del mercado al punto de que ningún competidor significativo lo pueda hacer.   En muchas situaciones, los competidores no son […]

A common mistake with ∆ROI

Throughput accounting is based on three simple measurements: throughtput (T), investment (I) and operational expense (OE). These measurements are then used to calculate two measurements that determine the profitability of a company: Net Profit (NP) and Return Over Investment (ROI). The formulas for these two variables are: NP = T – OE ROI = (T […]